Buy gas at reputable service stations

Buy gas at reputable service stations

Buy gas at reputable service stations

Ask if the gas you buy is filtered at the pump and whether the station has a policy about changing pump filters regularly. If you get songs and dances, find another gas station. Some stations do not have pump filters, making you more vulnerable to dirty gasoline. Other stations may not mix alcohol and fuel properly - or worse, simplify their products. Find a station that you trust and obey it.

Don’t fill up if you see the tanker

Don’t fill up if you see the tanker

If you see a gasoline tanker filling the tank at your local gas station, return another day or go to a different gas station. When the station's underground tank is being filled, turbulence can stir the sediment. Sediment in your gas can clog fuel filters and fuel injectors, causing poor performance and possibly requiring repairs.

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Maniaa Abdelouahed


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